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ILBaby is one of the premier suppliers of realistic baby and toddler dolls in China. We work with the most talented and advanced artists and manufacturers in the business to ensure the best quality products for our customers.
At, ordering is easy. Simply follow the instructions below.
1. Select the color and size , then add the item to your shopping cart by clicking “ADD TO CART”, if you only want to buy one product just click PayPal button to check out.
2. After you complete the selection of items, click into your Shopping Cart to have a preview of your order. You may review your order and change the quantity if necessary. If you are ready to place an order, click “CHECK OUT” to place an order.
3. Log in your account. If you don’t have one, please register on our site .
4. At checkout, fill in your shipping address and select which shipping method you prefer.
If you have a valid coupon code you’d like to use, enter the code into the coupon code box.
Click “APPLY” and choose a payment method. Lastly, click “PROCEED THE ORDER” to pay for your order.
5. Complete the order payment.